Friday, December 9, 2016

Snow Day

Alexandra Police Chief Adum Brate woke to find snow on the ground. It was the beginning of a kind of giddiness in his heart. He loved snow. Possibly because he grew up with so little of it. The snow here could not possibly last all day, he thought. But it might. As he showered and dressed, he considered playing in this snow, like a boy again.

With life back to relative normal, he walked to work alone. Megan would make it in as soon as she could, but the way she loved her sleep these days ... but Kitty would understand. They'd figure out what to do once Megan's pregnancy began to show.

His only office window showed the station's interrogation room, but in his minds eye, he could see the snow as it had been when he'd headed in. That lifted his mood as he made some phone calls and signed various reports.

A knock came and, when Adum bade, Josh Greene walked in, his face unsmiling. Josh was not quite as in touch with his inner child as Adum was. He was once, Adum remembered. But no more.

"There've been a few fender benders." he reported. "Slip sliding on the snow. People around here forget how to drive in snow." he sounds slightly annoyed and disgusted. "No major injuries. Doc McKinney is handing out a lot of painkillers, setting sprains, that sort of thing."

Adum nodded. "It's to be expected when it snows. Lets hope our good luck holds." he sits back. "Anything else?"

"Yea, there been reports that a bunch of kids are playing in the snow on the ice of the inlet." Josh reported, looking at a sheet. "About thirty of them. Most of the Academy hockey team and a bunch of others. The Headmistress Spanner wants us to herd them all back to school. They aren't listening to her ... not that Delores Spanner would ever leave her inner sanctum office to be anything but a bitch to her students." he huffed.

"That, I gotta see." Adum announced.

Josh chuckled. "See or participate?" he teases, a rare thing for him. "I remember you guys as kids at the Academy." he admits, his expression between happy memory and sad ones.

Adum chuckled. "Well, considering you didn't even come into my office to report this until eleven, thus giving them at least three hours from the first bell at eight ...." he stood and moved to Josh, clapping him on the shoulder. "Which is about the time you guys gave us as kids..." he turns to get his coffee and finish it, taking it out to the bull pen and setting it beside the coffee maker.

Sam Wright was at the printer, collecting his latest report. He glanced at the clock on the wall and then at Chief Brate and Lieutenant Greene.

"Come on, Wright." Adum ordered, reaching for his heavy APD coat and slipping into it. "Time to roust some kids."

Sam laughed and got his coat, joining Adum and Josh on their walk from the cop shop to the inlet. They took the route between Statutes and the Community Center. They emerged at the back of the Community and took in the scene.

It seemed to Adum that most of the kids at the Academy were skating, sliding and playing on the frozen inlet. Snow was so rare in Alexandra, it was almost expected for the kids to be distracted by it. Adum made a mental note of the kids but also he saw others. Kagiso Jackson was nearby, watching the kids, amused. He could hear loud music coming from someplace. Probably Kagiso's studio or apartment. Christmas music, apparently from the recently released Christmas album. Adum recognised India's beautiful voice, accompanied by a harp.

Buni Chuku was standing with a wagon that had a gigantic 'cooler' in it. Moving down the stairs to the waters edge, Adum, Sam and Josh approached her. She smiled, and leaned over, pouring a cup of what smelled like hot chocolate. "Mornin, Chief." she called, handing it to him.

Adum took it and nodded to his men, who Buni also served. He sipped and nodded. "Perkatory burn down and Chief Stanley forget to tell me?" he asked, casually.

Buni grinned. "It snowin taday an a couple kids come lookin fo hot chocolate." she shrugged. "Tole me Kagiso was playin his music. SO I bring da chocolate ta da partay."

Adum nodded and sipped again, looking over the crowd. It wasn't just kids. Plenty of adults were out as well. As far as he could see no one from the cannery was here. Or anyone from the Doctors office. The only city employee he saw was Frank Sharp, who was skating with some of the kids. She saw him and skated over.

"Um ... I was just .. keeping an eye out." she reported, although this was her day to teach at the school. "The kids .. well ... it's SNOW, Chief."

Adum nodded and sipped from his hot chocolate again. "See, Frank." she was not on duty so he used her first name. "On duty or off, you are still watching out for the safety of our community." he drinks the last of the hot chocolate and tossed the paper cup into a recycle trash bin. "Alright. I've made my decision. Wright." he turned to Sam, who handed him the bullhorm.

"This is the Alexandra Police Department!" he bellowed even into the bull horn. "May I have your attention, please."

People began to drift in his direction. The kids all looked a little morose. Fun time was over. The Chief would make them go back.

"As you all know, snow had hit Alexandra." he announced. "The streets are slippery and messy. We have had several minor traffic accidents. As a result, I, as Chief of Police, do hereby proclaim a Snow Day. School will be closed today."

He would have gone no, but the cheer that rose from the students drowned out his bullhorn.

The uniformed policemen all turned to leave. As they climbed the stairs, Sam patted Adum on the shoulder. "Smart move, Chief."

Josh Greene snorted. "You're just as soft as Winters was." he accused, but was ALMOST grinning.

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